Seresto Large Dog Vet-Recommended Flea & Tick Treatment & Prevention Collar for Dogs Over 18 lbs. | 8 Months Protection
- Vet-recommended, premium flea & tick protection for dogs & puppies without the price tag
- Long-lasting flea and tick collar kills & repels fleas for 8 continuous months
- Seresto is the #1 veterinarian recommended flea & tick collar*
- Starts working within 24 hours to kill & repel fleas by contact so pests don’t have to bite your dog to die
- Hassle-free, non-greasy, easy-to-use flea & tick protection
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Specification: Seresto Large Dog Vet-Recommended Flea & Tick Treatment & Prevention Collar for Dogs Over 18 lbs. | 8 Months Protection
4 reviews for Seresto Large Dog Vet-Recommended Flea & Tick Treatment & Prevention Collar for Dogs Over 18 lbs. | 8 Months Protection
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Torie –
I recently tried the Seresto flea collar for my dog and I am extremely satisfied with the results. This collar has been a lifesaver in effectively protecting my furry friend against fleas and ticks. I noticed a significant reduction in flea and tick infestations after using the collar, and my dog is now free from itching and discomfort. The collar is easy to put on and adjust, providing a comfortable fit for my pet without causing any irritation. I appreciate the long-lasting protection that the Seresto collar offers, as it remains effective for several months without needing frequent replacements. Additionally, I have not observed any adverse reactions or side effects on my dog while using this collar. Overall, I highly recommend the Seresto flea collar for dogs to any pet owner looking for a reliable and safe solution to protect their beloved companion from fleas and ticks. Five stars!
J. Gibson –
I live in an extremely rural area in the south and during the spring and summer it gets very hot and very buggy here. For the past couple of seasons, we have had a really bad flea problem. The ticks haven’t been as bad as I have seen them but the fleas have been awful. I currently have two dogs and two cats. My dogs, both rescues, are very large dogs. One is a 90lb German Shepherd Dog and the other is a 160 lb Golden Retriever/Leonberger mix. My German Shepherd Dog has a severe flea allergy and has been struggling with hair loss and extremely itchy skin because of the high flea population we’ve had the past couple of years triggering his allergies. I tried everything: natural flea killing remedies for inside the house and treating my lawn to help minimize the chance of one of the little buggers hitching a ride on him when he goes outside. I have him on just about every flea pill I can think of from my vet. Comfortis did OK during the winter and late fall/early spring. Once the season got into high gear, it didn’t seem to make much of a dent into the fleas. Same with Trifexis. Frontline worked about as well as the others. Between flea and heartworm meds, I was spending $100 a month of preventative care for just my two dogs. Having used Advantage about 10 years or so back on another dog I had at the time when we had another serious flea year I thought I’d give it a try again.
I had read about the Seresto collar and how it would take care of fleas and ticks for 8 months and since Advantage had worked for me in the past I thought it was definitely something I should be looking into. I couldn’t buy it at my local vet as they don’t carry it so I turned to amazon. I read through the reviews and liked what I was seeing. I ordered one of the collars and impatiently awaited its arrival.
As soon as the mail carrier put it in the box I was on it and put it on my German Shepherd Dog since he is most severely affected by the fleas. Because of his size, I didn’t even bother trimming the end of the collar. One of the reviews mentioned about a 10 day period for the collar to really start to work but my experience with it is a little different. I started seeing dead fleas later the same day I put the collar on the dog. The flea problem had gotten so bad in the house that I was ready to call an exterminator to try and eliminate them. Every living thing in the house was scratching thanks to the fleas. Within about a week of putting the collar on just one dog, all of that stopped. I still see a flea from time to time but that is usually after we come back inside after a walk or playing. There are no more fleas in the house. Even places the dogs and cats don’t go, the fleas are gone. I had planned on buying another collar for my 160lb dog but with the way this one has worked, I don’t really think that will be necessary. My German Shepherd Dog is getting his hair back slowly and he’s not scratching all the time. He’s sleeping better–everyone is sleeping better.
I know with the economy being what it is right now, I understand completely that $50 for a flea and tick collar may seem like a lot to spend at one time (that is one of the reasons my local vet doesn’t carry it because a lot of their customers can’t afford it) but it is very well worth it if you have a flea and/or tick problem. My $100 a month preventative bills went down to $30 after purchasing this collar. This works out to around $6.25 a month for the best flea and tick protection I’ve ever found. There aren’t any pills to con the pets into eating (no more fixing peanut butter sandwiches to get the pills eaten!) or no messy topicals to apply.
I am absolutely sold on this flea collar and will not ever use another brand of flea and tick preventative again. This is the only solution for me. All of the positive reviews on this site for this collar, believe them. The praises they are singing are absolutely spot on.
Edit, 4th September, 2014: I wanted to come back in and update my review since it’s been a couple of months since I purchased this collar and put it on my dog.
The collar has worked beautifully! It is still killing fleas and ticks like it promises, my dog has not had any allergic reactions to it (something I worried about as another reviewer commented their dog did react) and my home and surrounding area is completely flea-free. I wasn’t expecting this one collar to kill all the fleas in the house with four animals running around in here, but it has. My GSD has almost all of his hair back and I can tell a huge difference in his personality. He’s more playful and happy all the time like he used to be before he had his awful allergic reaction to a flea bite. The only chewing or scratching he does now is where his skin itches from the new growth, and that scratching/chewing is decreasing steadily. I haven’t seen a single flea in well over a month and I don’t even worry about picking up any buggy hitchhikers when we go for walks anymore as I know the collar will take care of them. My biggest worry now is my GSD playing in the poison ivy. 🙂
Jordan Milton –
I have a german shepherd/ black lab mix (possible aussie or blue tick hound) who is about 70 pounds and 8 years old.
When i was a kid my pets got fleas really bad and mom tried everything. And i mean everything. To avoid the expensive veterinarian care. She ended up buyung these and in the long run spending more than the vet bill wouldve been in total costs with all the treatments we tried, but less instantly with buying these alone. Turned around our pets conditions in less than a week (2 cats less than a year old but fully grown, a pitbull mix ~ 1 year old, a pom mix 3 to 5 years old).
So i continued buying these for my pups for the last 6 years. One has passed recently due to other complications, a pomeranian mix about 9 to 11 years old (same one as at my moms house).
None of the pets ive seen with these have had any reaction. I will say my larger dog has dry skin problems but she had that before i used these collars and before i met her. These collars dont make it worse.
Super simple, one complaint. It advertises reflective attachments. Yeah theyre not so great. Break easy and are hidden in fur so it doesnt work. They also became a tangle spot on my pom. But the collars work very well and are worth the money on their own.
My large dog is still flea and tick free with a year old collar, but its winter now. I can honestly say they are effective for 6 months to a year.
A word to the wise: follow all warnings and instructions. Clip the collar to the length of your dog’s neck plus about an inch or two, cinch it down in the rings on the collar and remove the collar before baths. Keep your dog from chewing the collar and licking you after putting it on. Wash your hands.
If your dog develops a reaction based on an allergy include that in the review, because not every dog has an allergy. If your dog ate the collar or chewed on it include that too bc its different if its just a normal wearing collar situation that causes something and if a dog eats something theyre not supposed to. I wonder how many bad reviews are based on this? Seresto however should include a warning label for allergens if there isnt one already.
The collar becomes a dark grey and a hard plastic when its expired. Fresh out of the pack its soft and light grey with a white powder coating. We tried cheaper collars, they dont work to kill established fleas and they dont prevent ticks or flea eggs. Theyre little more than citronella bug spray in effectiveness.
Seresto collars have the added benefit (im guessing they cant advertise bc its not been scientifically tested) of repelling any blood sucking pests. Ive not noticed any mosquitoes on my dog and we moved to an area last summer where they have mosquito trucks bc the mosquitos are that bad (they didnt have the trucks in tennessee, do in illinois). Cheaper collars dont do that.
Seresto collars all the way for us! Will update on the off chance my dog develops a reaction.
Benvedere –
In my opinion this is the best value in flea and tick prevention for dogs. I have been using them for at least 10 years (if not longer) and over that time I have bought at least 30 of them for all my dogs. And they always worked. Never any fleas or ticks. My dogs have always tolerated them well and never gotten sick in any way while wearing them. I HIGHLY recommend Seresto collars for dog flea and tick prevention.