Pooph Pet Odor Eliminator, 32oz Spray – Dismantles Odors on a Molecular Basis, Dogs, Cats, Freshener, Urine, Poop, Pee, Deodorizer, Natures, Puppy,…
- It’s Not Water: Pooph is totally fragrance free because it eliminates odor instead of covering it up! Pooph contains no harsh chemicals—it’s a proprietary mineral-based formula so clean and pure you could actually mistake it for pure natural spring water until you actually use it and see for yourself how miraculously it works!
- Risk-Free Guarantee: Try POOPH for 30 days and if you aren’t happy, simply return it for a 100% no-hassle refund. Just send us a message via your Amazon order page and we’ll take care of the rest!
- Instant & Safe: Instantly and safely freshens and dismantles puppy, dog, cat, pet, and litter urine and feces odors on a molecular basis – so they never return! Safe for people, pets, plants, and the planet!
- Eliminates: Safely eliminates (doesn’t just cover up) urine, feces, vomit, and other pet odors that may invite your pets to defecate in the same spot over and over
- SIMPLICITY OF USE: Embrace the ease of a dog odor eliminator that requires no complex instructions. A few sprays of POOPH make any space a puppy must-haves zone with guaranteed freshness. How it works, find the source of the stink, get in contact with the source of the odor. Rub it in and let pooph work its magic. Pooph is safe to use on your pet if the odor persists! The moment of truth: Smell it.
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Specification: Pooph Pet Odor Eliminator, 32oz Spray – Dismantles Odors on a Molecular Basis, Dogs, Cats, Freshener, Urine, Poop, Pee, Deodorizer, Natures, Puppy,…
6 reviews for Pooph Pet Odor Eliminator, 32oz Spray – Dismantles Odors on a Molecular Basis, Dogs, Cats, Freshener, Urine, Poop, Pee, Deodorizer, Natures, Puppy,…
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Pooph Pet Odor Eliminator, 32oz Spray – Dismantles Odors on a Molecular Basis, Dogs, Cats, Freshener, Urine, Poop, Pee, Deodorizer, Natures, Puppy,…
Celine –
Nous avons eu des problèmes avec odeurs d’égout au sous-sol. Réparé et changé tout le sable, lavé murs et planchers. J’ai tout fait pour éliminer l’odeur mais l’odeur s’était imprégné dans le tapis. Une seule application et ce matin, l’odeur est partie. Ne vous inquiétez pas si vous sentez le produit, il est inodore. C’est la formule chimique qui ferait son efficacité. Un achat merveilleux, ne fait pas de dommages au couleurs. Je le recommande très fortement. Pour ceux qui auraient des animaux de compagnie: il fonctionne à merveille. C’est un membre de famille qui me l’a recommandé pour un chat nerveux. Définitivement 5 *****
Kathleen M. –
Works great on bedding to eliminate that icky frito paws (google it) stink my dog’s feet have within 8 hrs of a bath. Bottle sprays well but drips like crazy – leave it in it’s plastic bag. Seems to go a long ways. Expensive but I will def buy again.
Tracee Reynolds –
This stuff works great. We live up in the mountains and a skunk sprayed right near our truck. It has made the truck smell so bad! But, we bought this and sprayed it in our air filter as well as inside the truck and the smell is gone. Then about a week later, our dog chased after a skunk and she got sprayed! We sprayed Pooph on a microfiber cloth and wiped her coat down. We did this for 2 days, several times a day and she doesn’t smell anymore. We will definitely be buying some more of this.
S Ramsey –
Is it fair to give a product a poor review because the spray nozzle stopped working? Give me a break. But I read the reviews, both positive and negative, and decided it was worth trying. My dog, I discovered, had urinated repeatedly on the corner of a rug in my dining room. (In the dog’s defense, she was sick, but she’s ok now.) I had tried everything, and the urine smell just would not go away. This came last night (love same-day shipping!), and I treated the area of the rug as directed on the bottle. The first thing I did this morning was get down on my hands and knees and shove my face into the corner of that rug, and guess what? THE SMELL IS GONE! G-O-N-E! If ever a product could be called “magical”, it’s this one, folks! I’m a believer. Would give it more than 5 stars if I could!
Lori L –
It works!!! I can’t believe it. I’m still in shock, but it truly works!!!! I purchased this because my cat decided to use the brand new couch as a place to release her putrid urine. She used the end cushion right in the corner where the arm meets the cushion so the horrid smell got on the couch arm and spread from the top of the cushion to the bottom reaching the couch itself underneath. The entire couch was tainted with the world’s worst smell. There’s no smell in this world that stinks as bad as cat urine. I literally cannot stand it! I’m a firefighter so I’ve smelled some horrible stuff and none of it compares to cat urine. She did this once before on my fiancés recliner (at that time I assumed she was mad at him and that was the reason) now I see she’s just evil! We had to throw the recliner away because I couldn’t get rid of the cat urine smell. I want to toss the cat but she’s like a child to me so that’s not an option and I refuse to toss this couch because it’s new. I was forced to try even more products that claim to work. I’ve tried them all!!! Trust me. Even the home remedies. Nothing…and I mean NOTHING…works on ridding the smell of cat urine…EXCEPT—- THIS STUFF!!! I chose this, this time around because one of the reviews really gave me faith that it was an honest review and that the stuff might actually work. I’m so thankful for that review because it does!!! I can’t believe it!!!! It literally worked!!!! I heavily sprayed the inside of the couch and the couch arm. Then I poured it into the cushion so that it saturated it through and through. Within seconds the smell disappeared. Before I poured this onto the cushion you could smell the urine just by standing close to it. I had the cushion standing in the laundry room and the entire laundry room smelled of cat urine because of it. It is still standing in the laundry room wet with this product and the smell of cat urine is GONE! I put my face directly up to the spot on the cushion and can’t even smell a hint of urine. There’s zero chemical smell, zero scent entirely. It’s insane! After I saturated practically half of the cushion to get that spot and the area around it for good measure..I decided to spray the rest of it with the sprayer and that broke like the reviews say. So the sprayer is trash, but the product itself is AMAZING!!! Don’t waste your money on other options like I have. GET THIS!!!! I typed this review up in my notes on my phone and waited for the couch and cushion to dry so I could be 100% certain the smell was gone. It is in fact gone and there is zero trace of cat urine smell. ZERO! It smells like a new couch again. I’m completely mind blown by this stuff!
Celine –
I rarely and I mean super rarely go through the trouble of leaving a review, but I was so incredibly grateful for how well this product worked and how it improved the quality of our lives, that I absolutely had to leave a review! My dog had gotten a hold of some nasty smelling frog that lives here in southern Texas and it covered her in this horrific smell (not to mention her foaming at the mouth, etc). When it happened, she came running in the house and was rubbing herself all over our brand new living room furniture and in the time it took me to figure out what in the world was going on and that she hadn’t been actually poisoned somehow, I was able to get her in the bathtub and washed up and her mouth rinsed out, etc. BUT… short of setting my brand new living room set on fire, nothing was getting that smell out. I tried everything that I could find on the internet! It wasn’t a matter of just taking off the cushion covers and washing them it was on the back part on the side part that you can’t take off and even though I did try washing that all with vinegar, furniture cleaner, etc. no matter what I did, that smell was always still there. Finally, I happened to see the commercial again. Mind you, I see that darn commercial all the time, but it just did not come to mind when all this was happening. So I immediately went on Amazon and bought a bottle. It was a bit pricey for what I was expecting, but with how well it worked, I would have paid triple that! Omg!! It absolutely has saved our furniture life! The smell is G O N E. Absolutely gone! also, no matter how much I bathed my dog, I could not get the smell completely off of her either. But sure enough I showered her down with the Pooph and she’s fine. Perfect! I’m so blown away I want to go be their ambassador or something. I am just so impressed with this product!!!!
PS. To be clear, I did about empty the entire bottle on my furniture. I did two thorough soakings .. letting each one dry in between. I have no idea if I had to do that or not. I just did it because I was desperate, and it worked. Absolutely 100% worked!