Catchmaster Glue Mouse Traps Indoor for Home 10PK, Bulk Traps for Mice and Rats, Pre-Baited Adhesive Plastic Trays for Inside House, Snake, Lizard,…
Original price was: $20.47.$18.89Current price is: $18.89.
- READY TO USE: Rat, Mouse and Snake glue traps are pre-scented and are intended for use without additional rat bait. For best use, leave the mouse trap with paper on so pests can acclimate to the trap, then place glue boards along known or suspected rodent pathways. The mouse and rat traps are scented with a special formula to attract insects and rodents.
- YEAR-ROUND PROTECTION: The disposable large mouse pad is sticky, pre-baited, and ready to use. Our adhesive formula is designed to prevent hardening that can limit the effectiveness of the rodent and snake trap. When placed in an area with normal conditions, glue mice traps can last up to one full year. The mouse and rat trap can be used as an alternative to glue boards that may not hold up as well in damp or humid areas like basements or bathrooms.
- HOME & FAMILY SAFE: Designed to help you keep your family protected and safe from unwanted pests in your home, Catchmaster glue traps are intuitive, secure and effective. If using in an area with dust or other debris, fold the trap into a tunnel to protect the glue of the sticky traps for mice and rats. Our products are tested under the harshest field conditions to ensure maximum reliability for any level of pest control expert.
- TOTAL COVERAGE: The mouse traps indoor for home can be used in residential, commercial or industrial buildings, or anywhere rodenticides or snap traps are undesirable or prohibited. The glue traps for mice and rats can also be used for snakes or as spider traps. For best use, place the rat & mouse glue trap along pathways and check the sticky mouse trap daily or when noise is heard. Our fast-acting glue boards are proudly made in the USA, and keep your family and home safe from pests!
- INTELLIGENT PEST MANAGEMENT: At our core, we are dedicated pest detectives. We believe in utilizing a science-based approach to integrated pest management. We call this approach Intelligent Pest Management. We leave no stones unturned when it comes to pests and we have unwavering conviction in our products.
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Catchmaster Glue Mouse Traps Indoor for Home 10PK, Bulk Traps for Mice and Rats, Pre-Baited Adhesive Plastic Trays for Inside House, Snake, Lizard,…
Original price was: $20.47.$18.89Current price is: $18.89.
Malik –
Value for money
Summer –
Highly effective for catching rodents! The large size and strong adhesive make it easy to trap even bigger pests, and the traps are simple to set up and dispose of. BUT, BE CAREFUL when placing them, the adhesive is very sticky. Don’t ask how I found out…….
Lusheeta –
During the fall/winter we get 1 maybe 2 mouse, but as soon as the traps are down. They are quickly caught. I do remember placing them in a corner where it’s dark at and don’t buy the white ones. To me the white ones sends off a reflector and never works, but these black ones works perfect. My husband buys them for the basement and it also catches spiders and those long legs things, that I don’t like. But for a mouse issue perfect especially during winter when it gets cold.
Ms. Buie –
These things work really well. We caught a mouse the first night we set the traps. We have probably caught about 10 mice in our house with these traps in the last month.
The only thing is, the mice are usually still alive and you will likely find them when you hear their squeaking. You’ll need to put the whole trap (with the live mouse on it) in a bag and take care of it. If you can stomach that, then these are great.
Also, be careful about placement if you have small children.
boris zarate –
These work great for us! They are BIG. We live in a rural area so mice are inevitable. They seem to stick really well, and even have caught a couple mice at a time! I am not sure how they work for other pests as I do not have that problem.
P. King –
A product that is very effective, easy to install and really doesn’t let anything escape
Victoria kirby –
Ok, these work great. But no one seems to have figured out the best way to end their suffering. My logic is they are intruders & deserve what they get. I don’t agree with luring them in by scent, just putting them in those places they sneak into to break. But if there IS a scent that attracts them, I am not a fan of that at all so I would like them unscented personally w the option to bait by putting something in the middle.
Otherwise aren’t you just attracting them which defeats the entire point? Outside in a garage just attracts the whole neighborhood. INSIDE would be good to bait them since they are already IN your home. But by an entry point, baiting them seems pointless or u would have to kill every mouse in your neighborhood. NOT touching the traps helps a lot since that makes them avoid it. Put where they are entering (a tiny opening by my garage door that I can’t do anything about w the design of how the door works or it wouldn’t close)
1. Get a bucket
2. Fill it 3/4 ish with water
3. Put trap w caught intruder in the bucket with the top sticking out so you can grab it
If one on each side u can tip bucket to kill them both OR flip each side after one is dead.
4. Wear gloves ,unless u don’t care about germs lol
They die in about a minute or 2. I’m a soft hearted sucker so sometimes I say a prayer. Might make u other suckers feel better too since ppl are complaining about this SO much. I get it. Us or them.
Just tossing them in a bag or trash bin outside always made me feel bad. If it’s an open bin, I worry about a hawk hearing them scream & the HAWK getting caught in it! IMAGINE!
So have a bucket ready by your garden hose or a few gallons of jugs of tap water ready to pour into ur bucket so u can murder them before u leave for the day & not hv to think about the creature suffering or chewing it’s leg off.
What gets me is when a whole family is trapped, clearly trying to save the other ones. Ugggh but they’ve ruined so much in my garage, my child’s old fav stuffed animal that was in a sealed trash bag. So I try not to feel TOO bad. They poop everywhere, they SMELL, it’s gotta be done. Man or woman up, people. They carry DISEASE. It’s u or the rodents. If u wanna live with disgusting critters, that’s ur choice. Survival of the fittest still applies in modern day life whether u want to admit it or not.
ALSO do NOT put by your car. One time a big one moved it under my tire. I was 50 feet down the street & heard the craziest noise, thought my car was done for & low & behold a trap made a GIANT mess all over my tires, wheel well, & around my tires. (Think like a card on a bike tire smearing glue all over in a circle – YUCK!) Which was almost impossible to get off & took a LOT of time & energy. U need some kind of paint thinner to get it off. AVOID THIS AT ALL COSTS.
I also once accidentally stepped on one not looking where I was going BIG MISTAKE. Had to throw away the shoe! I worry about kids or pets having this happen. So be responsible & very careful. HIGHLY recommend otherwise!!! If u have kids or pets that go in the area, I would get something else or call pest control. TRUST ME it’s not worth the risk. This is VERY sticky stuff & that’s why it works so well. If an adult can forget & not notice it, a child will too. Thanks for reading & GOOD LUCK!!!
Ramil Von –
Good product. It cathes the mice when they step on it.
Victoria kirby –
We have never had mice or a mouse before. We bought our home over 10 years ago. I noticed a bag of chips chewed through without it being opened. We bought several traps and sonic pluse wall plug ins. As soon as Amazon delivered theses, we put gloves on and sat them out with peanut butter on it. We left for a function. We returned about 5 hours later and mouse caught. It was still alive and could not move. We have kept them out but no more more mice we hope. So it works! Works fast! Works well! It was easy to use! Don’t remember what we paid but excellent value for the money spent due to the quick results. There is no smell. We are pleased. Now if our preventative measures work we shall resume life without the mice nuisance. Small thing, they ugly and bulky. Looks crazy around the house but they work. We are leaving them for a few more days while all the preventative measures come in and have a chance to work. But we are really pleased. Even my kid who is scared of EVERYTHING thought the process was awesome and not scary at all.
Yelena –
This was really good
Max Harris –
I have bought 3 different brands of mouse traps, this is the best! heavy glue! the mice sticks on the pad and never escaped! Great product!